Education Reimagined: What America Can Learn from the Success of North Dakota

Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakota and candidate for President of the United States

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Innovation, not regulation. This mindset Governor Doug Burgum has instilled North Dakota’s approach to education has produced widespread innovation across the state.

Doug Burgum

Hear firsthand from Governor Burgum about all the unique ways North Dakota is disrupting education and laying the foundation for other states to adopt a new model that is better for students, better for schools, and better for communities.

In this episode:

  • Learn why states should flip their focus from inputs to outcomes
  • Employers: hear why you're already too late when you start recruiting students in high school
  • K-12 districts: get a 3-step roadmap for building a career readiness model
  • Higher education: discover the four forces that are disrupting higher education - and how you can respond.

Plus, hear about the Governor's areas of focus as he runs for president of the United States and seeks to bring the success of North Dakota to the rest of the country.

3 Big Takeaways from this episode:

  1. Education should focus on outcomes, not just inputs: Too often, education fixates on inputs (what's the budget?) rather than on student outcomes. If we can flip that model and prioritize the outcomes we're producing in students (stackable skills, competencies, relevant knowledge), then we can align the budget to ensure those outcomes are met.
  2. Career readiness is a journey that starts in kindergarten. Here are the three steps K-12 districts should implement: Governor Burgum outlines how school districts can maximize exposure to all different career options for students at each level of their K-12 journey. Career awareness begins in elementary school, career exploration happens in middle school, and career education happens in high school. Listen to the episode to hear what each step entails.
  3. Higher education is being disrupted by four forces: Technology, economics, demographics, and a culture mindset shift are all impacting higher education today. Leadership must respond to these forces with a willingness to adapt the higher education model to remain relevant.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

To learn more about Governor Burgum's presidential campaign, visit:

Connect with Governor Burgum online:

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