The State of Artificial Intelligence in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to become a leader in AI advancement, innovation and technology.

But is the state - its private and public employers, educational institutions, workforce, and public policy - equipped to take on the challenge of becoming an epicenter of AI excellence?

Where do Wisconsin’s private employers and educators stand on AI adoption and innovation? Which industries are ahead on AI, and which are lagging? Where are Wisconsin companies already implementing AI and where are they planning to do so? How will AI adoption impact the incumbent workforce? Do we have the talent pipeline and educational infrastructure in place to produce the next generation of AI-skilled workers? What initiatives and efforts, public and private, will be crucial for Wisconsin to become a global leader in this advancing technology?

The TechEd Media Group's State of Artificial Intelligence in Wisconsin report answers these and other pertinent questions and provides the recommendations needed to keep moving the state forward.

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